Monday, February 8, 2010

Not the hair!

I admit it. I'm one of those moms. I think I have the most beautiful baby in the world. Sure, other babies are nice and cute, but it is pretty obvious to me that Nicholas surpasses them all. One of his most distinguishing features is his full head of hair. Yes, he came out that way and yes, I did have lots of heartburn!

His hair is so soft and silky. It is dark like mine, and parted just like his dad. I loved it when it's plastered down on his forehead.

And I especially love it when it's a little messy and touseled, right after he's woken up from a particularly long nap.

So imagine my horror when I find a little bald spot forming in the back of his head! And now his hair is starting to thin all over, and I confess it looks a bit like an old man comb-over.

I know that this happens to every baby--the baby hair falls out and new little boy hair grows in. But I really wasn't prepared. It just means he's growing up, and for some reason that is hard for me. Even though I love every new change so much, I so love exactly how he is at each stage that I don't want him to change. Does this make any sense at all?

But I love my baby, and he is so adorable, hair or no hair. His sweet little smile just melts my heart. Who wouldn't love this baby?

1 comment:

  1. remember jaxon's comb over? that was seriously ridiculous....however, I didn't realize it until many months later after his new hair grew in. i wish i had had the sense to cut it or was awful.
