Sunday, July 11, 2010

Without Daddy

Without daddy this month we've been filling our days with playdates, Y workouts, errands, and experiencing new frontiers where no baby has gone before (in our house anyway). We have to stay busy or else we miss Andy too much. Nicholas has developed by leaps and bounds this last month, learning to crawl, pulling himself up to standing, and even taking gigantic strides when holding on to mommy's hand. We've had a few adorable photos, and some not so great shoots. I try to keep Andy up on the daily little bits of life that he's missing while out to sea. Nicholas grows so fast that even in a month Andy's going to find him a completely different boy. I'm going to put an excerpt from an email to Andy below that gives you a snapshot of our day--a day in the life of a stay at home mom--such an adventure!

Hi sweetheart,

Turns out the batteries for the camera's flash take a long time to charge, so I had to use the regular flash today, which is blinding for him, thus he's not too thrilled about my snapping away--as you can tell :). I decided, although these pictures are not very good, that they would still make you smile, even at how bad they are, because they are of our little precious boy. One picture had a time delay, so he is just a faint blur, which really showcases how much he's moving around right now! Today was fun--went to church like I said earlier, then he took his morning nap and then we went out to run errands. He goes down easily for the morning nap, but the afternoon one is becoming an epic battle and the evening is often just as difficult. Guess I need to study the new sleeping patterns of this new animal--a "toddler." I believe his species is defined as "one who toddles." He is so excited about standing and all of his new found awareness that it's just TOO MUCH FUN TO SLEEP MOM!

He is having so much fun wherever he goes--people just love making over him, and he enjoys the attention. He chortled in delight today sitting on the couch and chewing on a little cloth book--I tried to capture it on video, but I think the moment was gone. Can't wait for you to just sit and watch him play. It's so amazing to see him looking at a book that we've read 100 times like it's the first time he's ever seen it. He's really starting to play with his toys and study them. He is all about trying to move from one piece of furniture to the next, although he's very cautious about his balance--I'm glad about that, don't want him taking needless nosedives! Went out to Ihopwith mom and dad tonight. I got Nicholas the kids' meal macaroni and cheese with fresh fruit on the side. He could do without the fruit--made the most hilarious and horrible expressions over cantaloupe and pineapple. Then...came the macaroni and cheese. He just about fell out of his highchair with excitement over the wonderful, delicious, best food he's ever eaten, macaroni and cheese. I wish I hadn't introduced him to this not very nutritious meal...but now I can't take it back! He had his hands out to his sides like he does when he's excited about food, almost like he's guarding an opponent, daring us to get by him with a bite of that food. He ferociously bites down on the spoon and kind of gives his head a shake, like Djinn does when he's killing his prey. Then, if anyone gets distracted while he's being fed and doesn't do it fast enough, he gives a little trumpet of frustration. He kicks his feet about in happiness while the macaroni is going down, and he stuffs as much in his mouth as it can hold. Then, when he was finally satisfied, he started to notice the other patrons and smile and make eyes at the little girl next to us. He actually leaned all the way back in his highchair to see around her dad, and then just stayed like that, staring at her open mouthed and somewhat mesmerized. Her mom teased her and prompted her to come up to him and say hi and smile, and then he just looked up at her with the biggest open mouthed smile I have ever seen. He was in love! She gave him a little kiss on the cheek. Already going after the older women! Go Nicholas ;). Of course, she was a bit mousy looking with big glasses, but she was fun and feisty too. Her mom kept making silly faces at Nicholas to make him smile, and it let me finish my food so I was thankful for that! People just love that boy, and he loves people so his little world is pretty wonderful and full of happy smiling faces all beaming love at him. Wish we all saw the world that way!

Here are some of the bad but precious pictures that I sent:

Meet Nicholas Flash: too fast for the camera

What am I thinking of?
Look mom, no pants!

said with clenched teeth: mom, please stop taking pictures! Or I'll start making weird faces....

Like this! (I've never seen this expression before!)

hopefully not a glimpse of the future! Mom, let me out (of course he has an entire living room of toys to play with, but he just wants to hold onto the baby gate!)

Now these are the cute ones: Got a grandma kiss on his cheek :)
My sweet angel

Such a joyful little boy! Showing off his two bottom teeth :)

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this "day in the life" portrait. An upside about Andy being gone: it gives you a chance to exercise your writing skills. :-) And you have an inadvertent record of Nicholas's development. But, at any rate, I hope the time passes quickly so that he is back home again!
