Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Arrival

Wow. It is so strange to go back and read my posts anticipating the arrival of little Nicholas. I couldn't wait to meet my little man, and now I can't imagine not knowing him. There is a lot to catch up on since my last entry... where do I begin?
I'll start with the birth story.

A week before my due date I was diagnosed with preeclampsia, which meant I'd had to be induced a week early. Although I would rather have had a natural birth, the silver lining to the induction was that Andy was able to fly home and be there for the birth. Praise God for that!

To make a long story short, I was induced at noon on Friday, and Nicholas was born at 6pm on Saturday, September 12th! The birth was very difficult--I lost a lot of blood, and Nicholas wasn't very responsive at first, both due to the magnesium I had to be on for Preeclampsia. Miserable drug. But we both recovered during the next three days in the hospital, and we were released to go home at last on Tuesday, September 15th.

Details of the birth...We were so blessed to have had amazing doctors and nurses at Portsmouth Naval Hospital. Three doctors worked together to help me deliver Nicholas. The medicine had worn me out, making it harder to push, so the doctors took turns holding a towel that I could pull up on and help elevate my body so that I could push. Both mom and Andy were in the labor room, while Dad, Kendall, Ricky, and their children were just outside. I labored for 2 1/2 hours before Nicholas finally arrived. I have never been that tired. Ever. Andy said the most fearful experience of his life was watching the doctors try to stop my Hemorrhaging while simultaneously Nicholas was not responding well to the Apgar test. But the doctors were amazing, and God was watching over us, because we both recovered quickly from the difficult birth. Now, it seems like another lifetime ago...almost like I wasn't the one going through that experience, but when I replay it in my mind it's like I was watching someone else go through it.

After the birth Ricky, Kendall, Penelope and Jaxon got to meet little Nicholas. Just as I had prayed, he was perfect, and cute to boot! He has such a full head of hair, and he looks like a little angel when he sleeps. So glad to finally meet you Nicholas!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found time to do this now before it all starts to get foggy for you! Thanks for sharing the story and you're right- Nicholas is pretty cute! ;-)
