Saturday, September 5, 2009

So I'm ready already.

No, I didn't finish washing the socks. I'm mostly packed. There is always more to do.

But I am ready to meet Nicholas!!

My parents and I took a childbirth class at the hospital which lasted allllll day long, but really got me in the mindset of getting this whole labor thing over with :).

I visited a friend of mine who just had her little one a week early, and I'm so jealous! He is just precious.

I so long to hold my little one.

But, I will enjoy the peace and quite that I do have in my remaining days, and soak up all of the sleep and personal time I can. I will sleep in, watch movies, read books, and take walks! Soon enough I will have this little boy patience :).

1 comment:

  1. ...and when he's here you won't even remember life before his arrival!! we're so excited for you and can't wait to see our new little neph.
